


仪表板可以将源报告作为可视化组件来显示数据。它可能是图表、计量表、表格、度量项或页面。这些组件为你的组织提供了关键指标和绩效指标的快照。每个仪表板最多可包含20个组件。(A dashboard shows data from source reports as visual components, which can be charts, gauges, tables, metrics, or Visualforce pages. The components provide a snapshot of key metrics and performance indicators for your organization. Each dashboard can have up to 20 components.)

仪表板构建器(Dashboard Builder)

仪表板构建器是用于创建和修改仪表板的可拖放界面。(Dashboard builder is a drag-and-drop interface for creating and modifying dashboards.)


Database.com是Salesforce提供的企业云数据库。(Database.com is an enterprise cloud database from Salesforce.)

带有日期的汇率(Dated Exchange Rates)

带有与日期的汇率,可以让你将货币汇率映射到特定的日期范围内。例如,1月1日的汇率为1美元兑1.39澳元,但2月1日的汇率变为1美元兑1.42澳元。你在1月1日至2月1日之间成交的商机,使用第一种汇率(1 = 1.39),而在2月1日之后成交的商机使用第二种汇率(1 = 1.42)。(Dated exchange rates allow you to map a currency conversion rate to a specific date range. For example, the exchange rate on January 1 was 1 USD to 1.39 AUD, but on February 1, it changed to 1 USD to 1.42 AUD. Your opportunities that closed between January 1 and February 1 use the first exchange rate (1 = 1.39), while opportunities that closed after February 1 used the second exchange rate (1 = 1.42).)

开发版(Developer Edition)

一个免费的,功能齐全的Salesforce组织,旨在为开发人员扩展、集成和使用Lightning平台进行开发。开发版帐户可在developer.salesforce.com上获得。(A free, fully-functional Salesforce organization designed for developers to extend, integrate, and develop with the Lightning Platform. Developer Edition accounts are available on developer.salesforce.com.)

开发人员沙箱(Developer Sandbox)

开发人员沙箱将自定义(元数据)复制到单独的环境中进行编码和测试,但不复制生产数据。(Developer sandboxes copy customization (metadata), but don't copy production data, into a separate environment for coding and testing.)

文件库(Document Library)

一个存储文档而不将其附加到客户、联系人、商机或其他记录的地方。(A place to store documents without attaching them to accounts, contacts, opportunities, or other records.)

动态仪表板(Dynamic Dashboard)

动态仪表盘使用查看仪表板用户的安全设置运行。每个用户都可以根据自己的访问级别查看仪表板。这种方法可帮助管理员将一组通用的仪表板组件共享给具有不同访问级别的用户。(A dynamic dashboard runs using the security settings of the user viewing the dashboard. Each user sees the dashboard according to his or her own access level. This approach helps administrators share one common set of dashboard components to users with different levels of access.)

邮件告警(Email Alert)

邮件警报是指使用特定的电子邮件模板,将电子邮件发送到指定收件人的操作。(Email alerts are actions that send emails, using a specified email template, to specified recipients.)

邮件模板(Email Template)

一种传达标准消息的规范化邮件,例如给新员工的欢迎邮件或确认已收到客户服务请求的邮件。邮件模板可以使用合并字段进行个性化设置,并可以以文本、HTML或自定义格式编写。(A form email that communicates a standard message, such as a welcome letter to new employees or an acknowledgment that a customer service request has been received. Email templates can be personalized with merge fields, and can be written in text, HTML, or custom format.)

企业版(Enterprise Edition)

为更大,更复杂的企业设计的Salesforce版本。(A Salesforce edition designed for larger, more complex businesses.)


用户权益可以帮助你确定客户是否有资格获得客户支持,以便为他们创建服务工单。客户可以根据特定资产、客户或服务合同获得支持。(Entitlements help you determine if your customers are eligible for customer support so you can create cases for them. A customer can be eligible for support based on a particular asset, account, or service contract.)

权益联系人(Entitlement Contact)

权益联系人是指指定接受客户支持的联系人,例如,一个命名的呼叫者。它们列在权益“联系人”相关列表或联系人“权益”相关列表中。权益联系人没有页面布局,搜索布局,按钮,链接或记录类型。(Entitlement contacts are contacts specified to receive customer support—for example, a named caller. They're listed on an entitlement's Contacts related list or the contact's Entitlements related list. Entitlement contacts don't have page layouts, search layouts, buttons, links, or record types.)

权益处理流程(Entitlement Process)

权益处理流程就是时间表,其中包括支持团队必须完成的所有步骤(里程碑)才能解决这个客服工单。每个过程都包括确定如何为客户实施正确的服务级别所必需的逻辑。(Entitlement processes are timelines that include all of the steps (milestones) that your support team must complete to resolve cases. Each process includes the logic necessary to determine how to enforce the correct service level for your customers.)

权益模板(Entitlement Template)

权益模板是可以快速添加到产品中的预定义客户支持条款。例如,你可以为Web或电话支持创建权益模板,以便用户可以轻松地将权益添加到提供给客户的产品中。(Entitlement templates are predefined terms of customer support that you can quickly add to products. For example, you can create entitlement templates for Web or phone support so that users can easily add entitlements to products offered to customers.)

外部数据源(External Data Source)

外部数据源指定如何访问外部系统。Salesforce Connect使用外部数据源访问存储在Salesforce组织外部的数据。Files Connect使用外部数据源访问第三方内容系统。外部数据源具有关联的外部对象,你的用户和Lightning Platform可以使用这些对象与外部数据和内容进行交互。(An external data source specifies how to access an external system. Salesforce Connect uses external data sources to access data that's stored outside your Salesforce organization. Files Connect uses external data sources to access third-party content systems. External data sources have associated external objects, which your users and the Lightning Platform use to interact with the external data and content.)

外部查询关系(External Lookup Relationship)

外部查找关系将子对象(标准对象、自定义对象或外部对象)链接到父对象(外部对象)上。创建外部查找关系字段时,父级外部对象上的标准“外部ID”字段将与子级外部查找关系字段的值匹配。外部对象字段值来自外部数据源。(An external lookup relationship links a child standard, custom, or external object to a parent external object. When you create an external lookup relationship field, the standard External ID field on the parent external object is matched against the values of the child’s external lookup relationship field. External object field values come from an external data source.)

外部对象(External Object)

外部对象的行为类似于自定义对象,不同之处在于它们映射到存储在Salesforce组织外部的数据。每个外部对象都映射到已定义的外部数据源中的数据表,并且每个外部对象字段都映射到数据表列。用户和Lightning Platform使用外部对象与外部数据进行交互。(External objects behave similarly to custom objects, except that they map to data that’s stored outside your Salesforce org. Each external object maps to a data table in a defined external data source, and each external object field maps to a table column. Users and the Lightning Platform use external objects to interact with the external data.)

外部用户(External User)

外部用户是拥有社区、客户门户网站或合作伙伴门户网站许可证的用户。(External users are users with Community, Customer Portal, or partner portal licenses.)

过滤条件(Filter Condition/Criteria)

对特定字段的条件,以限定要包含在列表视图或报告中的项目,例如“州等于加利福尼亚”。(Condition on particular fields that qualifies items to be included in a list view or report, such as “State equals California.”)

会计年度(Fiscal Year)

组织用于财务计划目的(例如预测)的一个时间段,其时间长度通常与日历年的时间长度相似。会计年度通常包含较小的会计期,例如分季度或三个月。(A period that an organization uses for financial planning purposes, such as forecasting, whose length is usually similar to the length of a calendar year. Fiscal years usually contain smaller fiscal periods, such as quarters or trimesters.)



An icon that users can click on a question or reply to report it as spam, hateful, or inappropriate.

流程构建器(Flow Builder)

基于云的应用程序,管理员可以创建一个流程以在Salesforce中使用。(Cloud-based application that lets admins create a flow for use in Salesforce.)

Lightning平台企业版应用(Lightning Platform Enterprise App)

具有最多8个自定义对象和8个自定义标签的自定义应用,对客户和联系人具有读写访问权限,以及对共享,批量API或流API的访问权限。(A custom app with up to eight (8) custom objects and eight (8) custom tabs, read-write access to accounts and contacts, and access to Sharing, Bulk API, or Streaming API.)

Lightning平台轻应用(Lightning Platform Light App)

具有最多8个自定义对象和8个自定义标签的自定义应用,对客户和联系人只有只读访问权限,对共享,批量API或流API的访问权限为零。(A custom app with up to eight (8) custom objects and eight (8) custom tabs, read-only access to accounts and contacts, and no access to Sharing, Bulk API, or Streaming API.)

预测金额(Forecast Amount)

适用于协作预测场景。包括从预测管理者角度进行的收入预测,以及所有者和他下属的商机总和,包括所有预测调整金额。(Applies to Collaborative Forecasts. The revenue forecast from the forecast manager’s perspective and the sum of the owner’s and subordinates’ opportunities, including all forecast adjustments.)

预测类别(Forecast Category)

确定在预测中商机的类别。商机类别的默认设置,与其阶段是联系在一起的,在阶段选择列表中进行设置。对于特定机会,如果要更改其预测类别,你必须编辑该商机的预测。(Determines the category to which an opportunity is attributed in a forecast. The default category setting for an opportunity is tied to its stage, as set in the Stage picklist. To update the Forecast Category for a particular opportunity, you must edit that opportunity’s forecast.)

预测数量(Forecast Quantity)

适用于协作预测场景。从预测管理者的视角来看,对所有人及其下属所有商机之和的数量预测,其中包括所有预测调整。(Applies to Collaborative Forecasts. The quantity forecast from the forecast manager’s perspective and the sum of the owner’s and subordinates’ opportunities, including all forecast adjustments.)

预测用户(Forecast User)

可以查看并处理预测层级中他们层级以下预测的用户。(A user who can see and work with forecasts below them in the forecast hierarchy.)


针对特定时期的销售预测。(Projections of sales for a specified period.)

公式字段(Formula Field)

一种自定义字段。公式字段根据合并字段、表达式的值或其他值,自动计算它的值。(A type of custom field. Formula fields automatically calculate their values based on the values of merge fields, expressions, or other values.)

完全沙盒(Full Sandbox)

完全沙盒会复制你的整个生产组织及其数据,包括标准的和自定义对象的记录、文档和附件。使用沙盒可以对变更进行编码和测试,并就变更对团队进行培训。你可以每29天更新一次完全沙盒。(Full sandboxes copy your entire production organization and all its data, including standard and custom object records, documents, and attachments. Use the sandbox to code and test changes, and to train your team about the changes. You can refresh a Full sandbox every 29 days.)